Coupe de Luxembourg Seniors Réserves

Stade Rue de Lenningen
At the end of our Benelux tour, we also wanted to do the outstanding lux part and watch a game in Luxembourg . The game plan meant it but not exactly good with us, but all first division games took place on Sunday. So we had to look around for alternatives.
And as chance would have it, a game was held in Canach (small town just outside Luxembourg City) for the Luxembourg Cup of the reserve teams between Jeunesse Canach and Atert Bissen. Well, a soccer highlight was not to be expected, but at least a soccer game in beautiful Luxembourg.
So purely in the car and following the instructions of the Navi to Canach. Since the exact location of the stadium (or soccer field) was of course not known to us, it took some time until we finally found the stadium.
The stadium itself is a soccer field without bleachers or roofing. In our country, you will not find a Landesliga club that would play in such a stadium. The lawn was but very fine, which may have been the reason that the game of the reserve on the adjacent artificial turf took place.
There had then ultimately also say and write 27 spectators found (note: which were even extra counted by ourselves). The game was on the expected modest level and so the conversations between players and coaches counted but to the entertainment. Since a multicultural group was gathered there, a large part of the dialogues took place in German - which of course facilitated our understanding...
With time, the few people also became aware of us. Since they have probably hardly expected Austrian spectators, they assigned us because of our Upper Austrian dialect to their Dutch neighbors ;-)
After a quarter of an hour there was then the first goal to admire. After a capital goalkeeper error, it was 1:0. Only, for whom??? Since there was no scoreboard and no team name on the kit, we had to wait for the reaction of the audience. Well, no cheering and no clapping - so might have been a goal of the away team (which ultimately also turned out to be correct)
After that, there was not much to see from the guests and the home team dominated the game. Nevertheless, it took until half-time before the "star player" of Canach - the Turkish ex-national player with German roots Hasan Vural thundered the ball to 2:1 in the mesh. That the times German Bundesliga, in Turkey and for the Turkish national team played one noticed but only his shooting power off - otherwise a rather meager performance.
Letzten Endes there was a 3:1 victory for Canach, which could also have been quite higher. From Bissen was to be seen up to the guidance goal only little. After one had emptied also the last remainder of the beer from the glass bottle one said goodbye from Canach. Next time maybe but rather 1st league ... *g*